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SELECT * FROM `x$statement_analysis`
query db full_scan exec_count err_count warn_count total_latency max_latency avg_latency lock_latency rows_sent rows_sent_avg rows_examined rows_examined_avg rows_affected rows_affected_avg tmp_tables tmp_disk_tables rows_sorted sort_merge_passes digest first_seen last_seen
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... sys 29519 0 0 7540206101000 2793807000 255435000 4049374000000 29505 1 177072 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4c1b79eed973bf098a4c2fad1e12545b1192162c6b05bc1650... 2024-07-30 13:21:28.457759 2024-07-30 13:22:46.433950
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... mysql * 3690 0 16 2181284472000 7911935000 591134000 790190000000 33877 9 222125 60 0 0 8279 0 60764 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-07-30 13:16:01.244068 2024-07-30 13:22:48.224216
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql 1731 0 0 1848376019000 6970778000 1067808000 658715000000 86463 50 442531 256 0 0 1695 0 86387 0 52130efcc005f1f55d730c79ca046d88d1ea2be12c692ae778... 2024-07-30 13:16:01.121882 2024-07-30 13:22:48.166944
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema 1348 0 0 1545599980000 5065588000 1146587000 514166000000 82844 61 418264 310 0 0 1348 0 82844 0 52130efcc005f1f55d730c79ca046d88d1ea2be12c692ae778... 2024-07-30 13:16:02.598354 2024-07-30 13:22:48.282819
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... performance_schema * 2692 0 0 1508749021000 2286460000 560456000 543615000000 23493 9 158312 59 0 0 6057 0 42948 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-07-30 13:16:02.752111 2024-07-30 13:22:48.419845
SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE ? mysql * 1581 0 0 1467474317000 41286235000 928193000 141513000000 1581 1 907494 574 0 0 1581 0 0 0 6935f3922a42d8845977364d3d83d2ad4e11a53295dfeca9d0... 2024-07-30 13:16:01.135770 2024-07-30 13:22:48.213168
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql 3874 0 0 1390501740000 11606307000 358931000 782177000000 0 0 11622 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4c1b79eed973bf098a4c2fad1e12545b1192162c6b05bc1650... 2024-07-30 13:16:01.139571 2024-07-30 13:22:48.164067
SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE ? performance_schema * 1347 0 0 1134523789000 6172469000 842259000 118716000000 1347 1 773178 574 0 0 1347 0 0 0 6935f3922a42d8845977364d3d83d2ad4e11a53295dfeca9d0... 2024-07-30 13:16:02.589062 2024-07-30 13:22:48.402616
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... NULL 119 0 0 985163596000 936036940000 8278685000 28619000000 0 0 133 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4c1b79eed973bf098a4c2fad1e12545b1192162c6b05bc1650... 2024-07-30 13:16:03.601894 2024-07-30 13:21:48.829157
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql * 830 0 0 793823175000 25123736000 956413000 364541000000 830 1 85485 103 0 0 830 0 830 0 ba13537dd94689c4264c4c28d0ef4ccb35dd60734589f76d58... 2024-07-30 13:16:01.209886 2024-07-30 13:22:48.165575
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql 830 0 0 728935179000 76918323000 878235000 299339000000 1662 2 54760 66 0 0 830 0 1662 0 e3754fc046bb107bbb10877d2fe790492ee1d9ae1cb44cfe2c... 2024-07-30 13:16:01.183995 2024-07-30 13:22:48.153675
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema * 674 0 0 704659752000 10178640000 1045489000 314114000000 674 1 93620 139 0 0 674 0 674 0 ba13537dd94689c4264c4c28d0ef4ccb35dd60734589f76d58... 2024-07-30 13:16:02.596328 2024-07-30 13:22:48.271013
SELECT `col` . `name` AS `COLLATION_NAME` , `cs` .... information_schema * 607 0 0 672967035000 5622611000 1108677000 77255000000 1085 2 25603 42 0 0 598 0 0 0 85fcf4c6bfd4b3011d24e945d53864428e24dd2378b77d4432... 2024-07-30 13:16:02.551989 2024-07-30 13:22:15.152474
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... NULL * 557 0 0 633077435000 4254760000 1136584000 342297000000 15870 28 81796 147 0 0 82 0 15870 0 ba13537dd94689c4264c4c28d0ef4ccb35dd60734589f76d58... 2024-07-30 13:16:01.099548 2024-07-30 13:22:47.373132
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... NULL * 871 0 0 618834572000 5258925000 710487000 220326000000 8441 10 55470 64 0 0 1988 0 15632 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-07-30 13:16:01.749163 2024-07-30 13:22:47.062194
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema 1519 0 0 579857644000 2272851000 381736000 323673000000 0 0 4557 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4c1b79eed973bf098a4c2fad1e12545b1192162c6b05bc1650... 2024-07-30 13:16:02.595205 2024-07-30 13:22:48.272560
SELECT ? FROM ( SELECT `GRANTEE` , `IS_GRANTABLE` ... mysql * 940 0 0 550585140000 4177137000 585728000 195573000000 940 1 3760 4 0 0 6580 0 0 0 10fd6b82750e447978ae64a0f55479eb8f723a721d8f3be40c... 2024-07-30 13:16:01.272119 2024-07-30 13:22:48.236446
SHOW TABLES FROM `phpmyadmin` NULL 2385 2385 0 464805513000 1219166000 194887000 189256000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f5bb748eacacd13477b0b560e396419adad288f4b8dabefd99... 2024-07-30 13:16:01.095219 2024-07-30 13:22:48.725633
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema 674 0 0 451873602000 3024873000 670435000 240918000000 1968 3 11242 17 0 0 674 0 1968 0 e3754fc046bb107bbb10877d2fe790492ee1d9ae1cb44cfe2c... 2024-07-30 13:16:02.599067 2024-07-30 13:22:48.274525
SELECT `t` . `THREAD_ID` AS `thread_id` , IF ( ( `... sys * 21 0 7 449591670000 62280759000 21409127000 9057000000 182 9 189 9 0 0 56 0 1254 0 2a5e41c03bf35093f51e81fb81b13e07005f0c742759ae7a75... 2024-07-30 13:21:28.456701 2024-07-30 13:22:46.486687
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... sakila 14 0 0 442459255000 175166169000 31604232000 7407000000 32 2 366 26 0 0 14 0 32 0 e3754fc046bb107bbb10877d2fe790492ee1d9ae1cb44cfe2c... 2024-07-30 13:16:04.314543 2024-07-30 13:22:45.912208
SELECT ? FROM ( SELECT `GRANTEE` , `IS_GRANTABLE` ... performance_schema * 617 0 0 354924098000 3916457000 575241000 126642000000 617 1 2468 4 0 0 4319 0 0 0 10fd6b82750e447978ae64a0f55479eb8f723a721d8f3be40c... 2024-07-30 13:16:02.791982 2024-07-30 13:22:48.433742
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... sakila * 20 0 0 347272171000 269572291000 17363608000 10837000000 86 4 1321 66 0 0 18 0 86 0 ba13537dd94689c4264c4c28d0ef4ccb35dd60734589f76d58... 2024-07-30 13:16:04.340916 2024-07-30 13:22:45.873620
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... 0054 * 593 0 0 333668454000 2090744000 562678000 123544000000 5356 9 33959 57 0 0 1276 0 9426 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-07-30 13:17:04.783544 2024-07-30 13:21:55.062826
SELECT ? FROM `mysql` . `user` LIMIT ? NULL 1992 0 0 272163869000 670195000 136628000 133055000000 1992 1 1992 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 caa245231a373af9cc7a93fe5788b8f09816b409a4f960a049... 2024-07-30 13:16:01.124171 2024-07-30 13:22:48.390898
Query results operations