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SELECT * FROM `x$statement_analysis`
query db full_scan exec_count err_count warn_count total_latency max_latency avg_latency lock_latency rows_sent rows_sent_avg rows_examined rows_examined_avg rows_affected rows_affected_avg tmp_tables tmp_disk_tables rows_sorted sort_merge_passes digest first_seen last_seen
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema 598 0 0 633140130000 2847516000 1058762000 211779000000 37806 63 190824 319 0 0 598 0 37806 0 52130efcc005f1f55d730c79ca046d88d1ea2be12c692ae778... 2024-07-11 07:15:56.549862 2024-07-11 07:21:19.706749
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... performance_schema * 1196 0 0 624973608000 2065028000 522553000 224885000000 10284 9 69230 58 0 0 2691 0 18774 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-07-11 07:15:56.676349 2024-07-11 07:21:19.774223
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... mysql * 1091 0 6 592493440000 2751284000 543073000 215234000000 10302 9 66997 61 0 0 2439 0 18475 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-07-11 07:15:54.914871 2024-07-11 07:21:18.993666
SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE ? performance_schema * 598 0 0 489080733000 5483003000 817860000 53715000000 598 1 343252 574 0 0 598 0 0 0 6935f3922a42d8845977364d3d83d2ad4e11a53295dfeca9d0... 2024-07-11 07:15:56.540824 2024-07-11 07:21:19.763184
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql 392 0 0 401756094000 3969135000 1024887000 144326000000 19600 50 99932 255 0 0 390 0 19588 0 52130efcc005f1f55d730c79ca046d88d1ea2be12c692ae778... 2024-07-11 07:15:54.740014 2024-07-11 07:21:18.931640
SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE ? mysql * 417 0 0 363183524000 5912196000 870943000 37225000000 417 1 239358 574 0 0 417 0 0 0 6935f3922a42d8845977364d3d83d2ad4e11a53295dfeca9d0... 2024-07-11 07:15:54.733781 2024-07-11 07:21:18.982241
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema * 299 0 0 353832506000 3314429000 1183386000 134239000000 299 1 122710 410 0 0 299 0 299 0 ba13537dd94689c4264c4c28d0ef4ccb35dd60734589f76d58... 2024-07-11 07:15:56.547472 2024-07-11 07:21:19.697537
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... sakila 13 0 0 339420082000 154527601000 26109237000 4529000000 56 4 533 41 0 0 13 0 56 0 e3754fc046bb107bbb10877d2fe790492ee1d9ae1cb44cfe2c... 2024-07-11 07:16:03.332370 2024-07-11 07:20:37.110209
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql 847 0 0 288109020000 3262314000 340152000 157168000000 0 0 2541 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4c1b79eed973bf098a4c2fad1e12545b1192162c6b05bc1650... 2024-07-11 07:15:54.738423 2024-07-11 07:21:18.929309
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql * 197 0 0 287419470000 31755310000 1458982000 79244000000 229 1 81219 412 0 0 196 0 229 0 ba13537dd94689c4264c4c28d0ef4ccb35dd60734589f76d58... 2024-07-11 07:15:54.874185 2024-07-11 07:21:18.930445
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql 195 0 0 285316656000 71420086000 1463162000 66576000000 394 2 12738 65 0 0 195 0 394 0 e3754fc046bb107bbb10877d2fe790492ee1d9ae1cb44cfe2c... 2024-07-11 07:15:54.811693 2024-07-11 07:21:18.919519
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... NULL * 376 0 0 268319120000 5361429000 713614000 97518000000 3535 9 23039 61 0 0 856 0 6526 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-07-11 07:15:55.548958 2024-07-11 07:21:16.846243
SELECT `col` . `name` AS `COLLATION_NAME` , `cs` .... information_schema * 254 0 0 259086291000 2329928000 1020024000 28499000000 392 2 10560 42 0 0 248 0 0 0 85fcf4c6bfd4b3011d24e945d53864428e24dd2378b77d4432... 2024-07-11 07:15:57.786418 2024-07-11 07:21:08.513946
CREATE TABLE `sample` . `users` ( `admin` VARCHARA... sample 1 0 0 237534297000 237534297000 237534297000 7088000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 960f0589ed4b918930205a89c725a283993ff1b992f6f935d3... 2024-07-11 07:18:56.633245 2024-07-11 07:18:56.633245
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema 625 0 0 234404570000 3144875000 375047000 128616000000 0 0 1875 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4c1b79eed973bf098a4c2fad1e12545b1192162c6b05bc1650... 2024-07-11 07:15:56.545781 2024-07-11 07:21:19.698965
SHOW TABLES FROM `phpmyadmin` NULL 939 939 0 203904828000 1940297000 217151000 81150000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f5bb748eacacd13477b0b560e396419adad288f4b8dabefd99... 2024-07-11 07:15:54.699887 2024-07-11 07:21:20.622571
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema 299 0 0 184259464000 1158076000 616252000 98349000000 887 3 5043 17 0 0 299 0 887 0 e3754fc046bb107bbb10877d2fe790492ee1d9ae1cb44cfe2c... 2024-07-11 07:15:56.550684 2024-07-11 07:21:19.700820
SELECT ? FROM ( SELECT `GRANTEE` , `IS_GRANTABLE` ... performance_schema * 299 0 0 165776575000 2706239000 554436000 58922000000 299 1 1196 4 0 0 2093 0 0 0 10fd6b82750e447978ae64a0f55479eb8f723a721d8f3be40c... 2024-07-11 07:15:56.698228 2024-07-11 07:21:19.786910
SELECT ? FROM ( SELECT `GRANTEE` , `IS_GRANTABLE` ... mysql * 290 0 0 153009341000 2464415000 527618000 53522000000 290 1 1160 4 0 0 2030 0 0 0 10fd6b82750e447978ae64a0f55479eb8f723a721d8f3be40c... 2024-07-11 07:15:54.962357 2024-07-11 07:21:19.005624
SELECT `col` . `name` AS `COLLATION_NAME` , `cs` .... mysql * 97 0 0 138806433000 6870673000 1430994000 18521000000 26384 272 30361 313 0 0 97 0 0 0 85fcf4c6bfd4b3011d24e945d53864428e24dd2378b77d4432... 2024-07-11 07:15:58.439977 2024-07-11 07:21:17.632020
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... information_schema * 273 0 0 127750711000 1912280000 467951000 47801000000 2091 8 13696 50 0 0 499 0 3708 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-07-11 07:15:55.257012 2024-07-11 07:21:10.804123
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... information_schema 222 0 0 119271173000 1499116000 537257000 71798000000 0 0 666 3 0 0 222 0 0 0 e3754fc046bb107bbb10877d2fe790492ee1d9ae1cb44cfe2c... 2024-07-11 07:15:55.220502 2024-07-11 07:21:10.746321
SELECT ? FROM `mysql` . `user` LIMIT ? NULL 765 0 0 112244270000 1209957000 146724000 54950000000 765 1 765 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 caa245231a373af9cc7a93fe5788b8f09816b409a4f960a049... 2024-07-11 07:15:54.726490 2024-07-11 07:21:20.642921
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... information_schema 155 0 0 104858158000 1719390000 676504000 54741000000 3165 20 15678 101 0 0 111 0 2859 0 52130efcc005f1f55d730c79ca046d88d1ea2be12c692ae778... 2024-07-11 07:15:55.219840 2024-07-11 07:21:10.745441
SELECT @@`version` , @@`version_comment` NULL 939 0 0 103537830000 328248000 110263000 0 939 1 939 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 a0fb6033a801ff3ccaad9bb0b05445638ab6c4d8fcb821afff... 2024-07-11 07:15:54.698489 2024-07-11 07:21:20.621749
Query results operations