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SELECT * FROM `x$statement_analysis`
query db full_scan exec_count err_count warn_count total_latency max_latency avg_latency lock_latency rows_sent rows_sent_avg rows_examined rows_examined_avg rows_affected rows_affected_avg tmp_tables tmp_disk_tables rows_sorted sort_merge_passes digest first_seen last_seen
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... sys 56191 0 0 16320212829000 17990794000 290441000 8846500000000 56119 1 336930 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4c1b79eed973bf098a4c2fad1e12545b1192162c6b05bc1650... 2024-09-23 11:31:03.634143 2024-09-23 11:43:49.057970
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... NULL * 2596 0 0 2683567252000 9672646000 1033731000 807934000000 42252 16 263940 102 0 0 6170 0 81268 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-09-23 11:31:03.244666 2024-09-23 11:43:40.574312
SELECT `t` . `THREAD_ID` AS `thread_id` , IF ( ( `... sys * 72 0 14 2168725410000 74693478000 30121186000 62720000000 408 6 1059 15 0 0 192 0 4584 0 2a5e41c03bf35093f51e81fb81b13e07005f0c742759ae7a75... 2024-09-23 11:31:03.632225 2024-09-23 11:43:42.797482
SELECT `col` . `name` AS `COLLATION_NAME` , `cs` .... information_schema * 1563 0 0 1991605518000 7118052000 1274219000 212924000000 3921 3 66569 43 0 0 1528 0 0 0 85fcf4c6bfd4b3011d24e945d53864428e24dd2378b77d4432... 2024-09-23 11:31:54.704202 2024-09-23 11:43:45.486575
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... performance_schema * 2752 0 0 1710361774000 5404370000 621497000 549898000000 33251 12 233154 85 0 0 6192 0 62374 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-09-23 11:31:03.404245 2024-09-23 11:43:48.764824
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema 1375 0 0 1538152449000 6597778000 1118656000 523373000000 83952 61 423885 308 0 0 1375 0 83952 0 52130efcc005f1f55d730c79ca046d88d1ea2be12c692ae778... 2024-09-23 11:31:03.266543 2024-09-23 11:43:49.419919
SELECT IF ( ( `locate` ( ? , `ibp` . `TABLE_NAME` ... sys * 9 0 0 1290179571000 811049308000 143353285000 3578000000 78 9 61108 6790 0 0 51 6 5646 6 bf060aa9a5df456317f07a0159bcd8e91c9fd9a588a89d87d4... 2024-09-23 11:42:13.089669 2024-09-23 11:43:41.174111
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... information_schema * 13 0 0 1270148198000 546703083000 97703707000 4977000000 82 6 2960 228 0 0 2 0 0 0 251552b68e8f44795ca803316d221e604ec58591e3d9d3654e... 2024-09-23 11:37:36.194095 2024-09-23 11:43:40.792000
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... mysql * 1995 0 52 1216319984000 4378674000 609684000 409244000000 28685 14 167911 84 0 0 4073 0 44346 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-09-23 11:31:03.991091 2024-09-23 11:43:44.574122
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... information_schema * 2693 0 0 1180138012000 10070671000 438224000 473570000000 16717 6 108937 40 0 0 2431 0 27924 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-09-23 11:31:25.454795 2024-09-23 11:43:49.126837
SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE ? performance_schema * 1374 0 0 1176030221000 8310533000 855917000 123778000000 1374 1 788676 574 0 0 1374 0 0 0 6935f3922a42d8845977364d3d83d2ad4e11a53295dfeca9d0... 2024-09-23 11:31:03.241146 2024-09-23 11:43:49.411607
SHOW TABLES FROM `phpmyadmin` NULL 5323 5323 0 1146934981000 1437747000 215467000 464646000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f5bb748eacacd13477b0b560e396419adad288f4b8dabefd99... 2024-09-23 11:31:03.185517 2024-09-23 11:43:49.376420
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql * 300 0 0 971987586000 631111141000 3239958000 132244000000 1004 3 93404 311 0 0 284 0 1004 0 ba13537dd94689c4264c4c28d0ef4ccb35dd60734589f76d58... 2024-09-23 11:31:08.877682 2024-09-23 11:43:44.588414
SELECT ? FROM ( SELECT `GRANTEE` , `IS_GRANTABLE` ... NULL * 1536 0 0 929198739000 16624957000 604947000 300431000000 1536 1 6144 4 0 0 10752 0 0 0 10fd6b82750e447978ae64a0f55479eb8f723a721d8f3be40c... 2024-09-23 11:31:03.283638 2024-09-23 11:43:48.293493
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql 380 0 0 821166289000 71090057000 2160963000 141130000000 712 2 16205 43 0 0 380 0 712 0 e3754fc046bb107bbb10877d2fe790492ee1d9ae1cb44cfe2c... 2024-09-23 11:31:08.853980 2024-09-23 11:43:44.556745
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema * 689 0 0 793077952000 15080419000 1151056000 322536000000 689 1 202226 294 0 0 689 0 689 0 ba13537dd94689c4264c4c28d0ef4ccb35dd60734589f76d58... 2024-09-23 11:31:03.263058 2024-09-23 11:43:49.417212
SELECT `performance_schema` . `events_statements_s... sys * 9 0 0 762054049000 712243053000 84672672000 1267000000 78 9 9729 1081 0 0 0 0 78 0 8b22b06fe671437418edb1a3633c0f481cc712f261f1eb7654... 2024-09-23 11:42:07.765071 2024-09-23 11:43:25.193773
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... information_schema * 1008 0 0 745658513000 5727779000 739740000 379589000000 13437 13 65683 65 0 0 529 0 10114 0 52130efcc005f1f55d730c79ca046d88d1ea2be12c692ae778... 2024-09-23 11:31:25.375366 2024-09-23 11:43:49.051809
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... sakila 34 0 0 731140517000 89708142000 21504132000 24123000000 69 2 719 21 0 0 34 0 69 0 e3754fc046bb107bbb10877d2fe790492ee1d9ae1cb44cfe2c... 2024-09-23 11:32:55.817363 2024-09-23 11:41:11.449093
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... NULL * 659 0 0 726224884000 4868334000 1102010000 421509000000 10285 16 63443 96 0 0 93 0 10283 0 ba13537dd94689c4264c4c28d0ef4ccb35dd60734589f76d58... 2024-09-23 11:31:04.251319 2024-09-23 11:43:48.292137
ALTER TABLE `tblvehicles` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) carrental 1 0 0 703186775000 703186775000 703186775000 113000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26111ae742f53febabf3507a9c4a13f81ec2e6171eb24363df... 2024-09-23 11:41:51.830137 2024-09-23 11:41:51.830137
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... information_schema * 1065 0 0 694222773000 10277861000 651852000 424653000000 52 0 5365 5 0 0 1059 0 0 0 e3754fc046bb107bbb10877d2fe790492ee1d9ae1cb44cfe2c... 2024-09-23 11:31:25.376098 2024-09-23 11:43:49.052553
SELECT `rtn` . `name` AS `SPECIFIC_NAME` , `cat` .... NULL * 620 0 0 675647010000 6989821000 1089753000 363741000000 486 1 53770 87 0 0 2 0 486 0 7631a5a7c833f09d7cda4f7029a221c376e319d404c83e678f... 2024-09-23 11:31:05.091776 2024-09-23 11:43:40.361450
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql 695 0 0 634099689000 3828878000 912373000 268492000000 22204 32 114230 164 0 0 573 0 21670 0 52130efcc005f1f55d730c79ca046d88d1ea2be12c692ae778... 2024-09-23 11:31:04.615994 2024-09-23 11:43:44.558107
SELECT @@`version` , @@`version_comment` NULL 5323 0 0 590478406000 895039000 110929000 0 5323 1 5323 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 a0fb6033a801ff3ccaad9bb0b05445638ab6c4d8fcb821afff... 2024-09-23 11:31:03.178290 2024-09-23 11:43:49.373750
Query results operations