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SELECT * FROM `x$statement_analysis`
query db full_scan exec_count err_count warn_count total_latency max_latency avg_latency lock_latency rows_sent rows_sent_avg rows_examined rows_examined_avg rows_affected rows_affected_avg tmp_tables tmp_disk_tables rows_sorted sort_merge_passes digest first_seen last_seen
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema 5856 0 0 6809603171000 7302293000 1162842000 2234757000000 373296 64 1884048 322 0 0 5856 0 373296 0 52130efcc005f1f55d730c79ca046d88d1ea2be12c692ae778... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.747090 2024-07-06 12:13:53.232160
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... performance_schema * 11708 0 0 6717904837000 5341389000 573787000 2480659000000 96591 8 646867 55 0 0 26343 0 175620 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.890190 2024-07-06 12:13:53.159162
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... mysql * 8610 0 1 4989880477000 6188323000 579544000 1844626000000 73767 9 490580 57 0 0 19433 0 134730 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-07-06 12:00:56.106173 2024-07-06 12:13:53.263426
SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE ? performance_schema * 5855 0 0 4909215459000 14575510000 838465000 524943000000 5855 1 3360770 574 0 0 5855 0 0 0 6935f3922a42d8845977364d3d83d2ad4e11a53295dfeca9d0... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.711536 2024-07-06 12:13:53.217814
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql 4067 0 0 4411204874000 7795473000 1084633000 1559747000000 195006 48 997268 245 0 0 4034 0 194928 0 52130efcc005f1f55d730c79ca046d88d1ea2be12c692ae778... 2024-07-06 12:00:56.032381 2024-07-06 12:13:53.213092
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema * 2928 0 0 3519351259000 19078690000 1201964000 1326152000000 2928 1 1200480 410 0 0 2928 0 2928 0 ba13537dd94689c4264c4c28d0ef4ccb35dd60734589f76d58... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.744130 2024-07-06 12:13:53.220555
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql * 2259 0 0 2739850965000 255728919000 1212860000 969332000000 15059 7 846559 375 0 0 1859 0 15059 0 ba13537dd94689c4264c4c28d0ef4ccb35dd60734589f76d58... 2024-07-06 12:00:56.152218 2024-07-06 12:13:53.276965
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql 7638 0 0 2702041292000 2771245000 353762000 1516133000000 0 0 22914 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4c1b79eed973bf098a4c2fad1e12545b1192162c6b05bc1650... 2024-07-06 12:00:56.139814 2024-07-06 12:13:53.275746
SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE ? mysql * 2955 0 0 2485057253000 4631651000 840966000 262199000000 2955 1 1696170 574 0 0 2955 0 0 0 6935f3922a42d8845977364d3d83d2ad4e11a53295dfeca9d0... 2024-07-06 12:00:56.168210 2024-07-06 12:13:53.013823
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema 6228 0 0 2345033802000 2382931000 376530000 1305165000000 0 0 18684 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4c1b79eed973bf098a4c2fad1e12545b1192162c6b05bc1650... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.724561 2024-07-06 12:13:53.222088
SELECT `col` . `name` AS `COLLATION_NAME` , `cs` .... information_schema * 2007 0 0 2184708590000 6168922000 1088544000 241363000000 2421 1 83970 42 0 0 1989 0 0 0 85fcf4c6bfd4b3011d24e945d53864428e24dd2378b77d4432... 2024-07-06 12:01:00.470490 2024-07-06 12:13:48.205237
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... performance_schema 2928 0 0 1976415643000 3607824000 675005000 1028457000000 8673 3 49332 17 0 0 2928 0 8673 0 e3754fc046bb107bbb10877d2fe790492ee1d9ae1cb44cfe2c... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.749850 2024-07-06 12:13:53.224239
SELECT ? FROM ( SELECT `GRANTEE` , `IS_GRANTABLE` ... performance_schema * 2927 0 0 1726543219000 5255654000 589867000 621763000000 2927 1 11708 4 0 0 20489 0 0 0 10fd6b82750e447978ae64a0f55479eb8f723a721d8f3be40c... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.915058 2024-07-06 12:13:53.171296
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... mysql 1858 0 0 1458919381000 53739893000 785209000 661582000000 3721 2 122386 66 0 0 1858 0 3721 0 e3754fc046bb107bbb10877d2fe790492ee1d9ae1cb44cfe2c... 2024-07-06 12:00:56.062108 2024-07-06 12:13:53.210782
SELECT ? FROM ( SELECT `GRANTEE` , `IS_GRANTABLE` ... mysql * 2245 0 0 1289136851000 6613041000 574225000 445564000000 2245 1 8980 4 0 0 15715 0 0 0 10fd6b82750e447978ae64a0f55479eb8f723a721d8f3be40c... 2024-07-06 12:00:56.153069 2024-07-06 12:13:53.278045
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... NULL * 2032 0 0 1260723419000 4365145000 620434000 470902000000 17605 9 115954 57 0 0 4601 0 32220 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.705773 2024-07-06 12:13:52.943175
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... NULL * 1073 0 0 1233972433000 5517384000 1150020000 614392000000 32032 30 252947 236 0 0 250 0 32032 0 ba13537dd94689c4264c4c28d0ef4ccb35dd60734589f76d58... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.749757 2024-07-06 12:13:50.463761
SHOW TABLES FROM `phpmyadmin` NULL 5986 5986 0 1070360027000 2216946000 178810000 436853000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f5bb748eacacd13477b0b560e396419adad288f4b8dabefd99... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.670447 2024-07-06 12:13:53.294077
SELECT ? FROM `mysql` . `user` LIMIT ? NULL 5506 0 0 775758133000 419971000 140893000 384733000000 5506 1 5506 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 caa245231a373af9cc7a93fe5788b8f09816b409a4f960a049... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.676471 2024-07-06 12:13:53.316304
SELECT COUNT ( * ) FROM `performance_schema` . `ta... performance_schema * 2503 0 0 761498709000 2216095000 304234000 95332000000 2503 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00e2f0d84fa651f12d7029618430a48906da993321f506b59a... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.744706 2024-07-06 12:13:53.221127
SELECT * FROM `table_lock_waits_summary_by_table` ... performance_schema * 2503 0 0 695759446000 11108432000 277970000 157769000000 62575 25 62575 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 7a2c40da54f6eaa63f18600a655f716160a294ba03cafa0764... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.722910 2024-07-06 12:13:53.218300
SELECT @@`version` , @@`version_comment` NULL 5986 0 0 557783070000 580881000 93181000 0 5986 1 5986 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 a0fb6033a801ff3ccaad9bb0b05445638ab6c4d8fcb821afff... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.667871 2024-07-06 12:13:53.293428
SHOW CREATE TABLE `performance_schema` . `table_lo... performance_schema 2503 0 0 552231635000 2503921000 220627000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bbd9b634d307ea4ea2b4db12cc479b75b75d3cfdb9ab395083... 2024-07-06 12:00:55.752331 2024-07-06 12:13:53.226254
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `CATALOG_NAME` , `sch` . ... information_schema * 1272 0 0 528955232000 4870300000 415845000 220696000000 6526 5 41258 32 0 0 1484 0 10680 0 db22765f86fdb091d2faced7479895f8497b40140b15fad577... 2024-07-06 12:00:57.063696 2024-07-06 12:13:48.263495
SELECT `cat` . `name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG` , `sch` .... information_schema 767 0 0 524015035000 3600718000 683200000 264962000000 11588 15 54089 71 0 0 324 0 8512 0 52130efcc005f1f55d730c79ca046d88d1ea2be12c692ae778... 2024-07-06 12:00:56.986535 2024-07-06 12:13:48.156183
Query results operations